This renovation is old historical farmer house in country area constructed before there hundred years EDO period. I found out this old house twenty five years before. At that time all most of people does not interested these old deserted house. I designed using the characteristic of this architecture. The construction left the structure of the pillar, the beam and the roof truss and demolished almost all floor, wall, ceiling. It was exchanged for a new part and it was repaired using traditional natural material of the plaster. This house is also used as my office combined with a residence at present.
The rebirth of traditional culture and technology depend on compound of a modern design.
Data Principle use / Private house and office
Location / Inzai-shi Chiba-ken
Construction / Middle in the 18th Century [presumption]
Renovation design / 1990, 2012
Site area / 1420㎡ Total floor area / 142㎡
Number of stories / 1
Main structure/traditional wood timber flame.
Finish work/clay wall, plaster, natural wood flooring.
This renovation is old historical farmer house in country area constructed before there hundred years EDO period. I found out this old house twenty five years before. At that time all most of people does not interested these old deserted house. I designed using the characteristic of this architecture. The construction left the structure of the pillar, the beam and the roof truss and demolished almost all floor, wall, ceiling. It was exchanged for a new part and it was repaired using traditional natural material of the plaster. This house is also used as my office combined with a residence at present.
The rebirth of traditional culture and technology depend on compound of a modern design.
Data Principle use / Private house and office
Location / Inzai-shi Chiba-ken
Construction / Middle in the 18th Century [presumption]
Renovation design / 1990, 2012
Site area / 1420㎡ Total floor area / 142㎡
Number of stories / 1
Main structure/traditional wood timber flame.
Finish work/clay wall, plaster, natural wood flooring.


「週末住宅」は、既存の再生古民家や田園風景と違和感のないデザインを基本に据えた。住まいに同時代のデザイン思潮への過度な思い入れや空間美学の極端な探求を避けた。結果として直屋型の切り妻大屋根、反復する共通断面、構造材現し、柔軟性のある単純平面、自在な仕切り、伝統的な仕口と継ぎ手等、私たちに蓄積されてきた伝統木造建築の原理的文脈を率直に受け止めることとした。 間取りは板の間と土間に大きく区分し、一部2階に畳部屋を設けその他は屋根野地までの吹き抜け空間とした。構造・造作とも無垢の木材、壁は内外とも漆喰左官仕上げとした。以降、私の仕事は木と漆喰の家づくりを軸に展開している。
Located in the country, about 30miles from Tokyo, Inba House 2 is a weekend house and workshop for a couple with three children. Douglas fir was used for the post-and-beam structure, millwork, and fittings. Domestic Hiba was used for the foundation sill plates and wet-room areas, and Hinoki for the floor. The exposed Douglas fir member matched well with the Japanese traditional SHIKKUI [earthen white plaster] and SHOJI [paper sliding doors]. The combination grounded the project in the tradition while achieving a modern style.
The continuity of a traditional hand-made technology and using of natural materials.
Principle use / Weekend house
Location / Inzai-shi, Chiba-ken
Design / 1997 Construction / 1997-1998
Site area / 1420㎡ Total floor area /165㎡
Number of Stories / 2
Main structure / Wood timber flame
Finish work / Japanese plaster, Hinoki and Dauglas fir
Award : American wood design awards 2000 / 1st prize of the year[Best of residencial]
Located in the country, about 30miles from Tokyo, Inba House 2 is a weekend house and workshop for a couple with three children. Douglas fir was used for the post-and-beam structure, millwork, and fittings. Domestic Hiba was used for the foundation sill plates and wet-room areas, and Hinoki for the floor. The exposed Douglas fir member matched well with the Japanese traditional SHIKKUI [earthen white plaster] and SHOJI [paper sliding doors]. The combination grounded the project in the tradition while achieving a modern style.
The continuity of a traditional hand-made technology and using of natural materials.
Principle use / Weekend house
Location / Inzai-shi, Chiba-ken
Design / 1997 Construction / 1997-1998
Site area / 1420㎡ Total floor area /165㎡
Number of Stories / 2
Main structure / Wood timber flame
Finish work / Japanese plaster, Hinoki and Dauglas fir
Award : American wood design awards 2000 / 1st prize of the year[Best of residencial]

印旛の家 再生平面図