『THE DESIGN ZONE』はカタール財団の要請による文化・教育複合系集住体の初期調査と計画案の作成である。建築家やプランナーなど欧米の他日本から2名が指名され、10名程の国際プロジェクトチームが組まれた。現地での調査のほかメンバーによる意見交換、マスタープラン、モデル、スケッチ等のワークショップでの共同作業を行った。私は主に住居計画を担当した。伝統的なイスラム住宅とその集住形態について概念や形成プロセス、素材や工法等について検討し、レポートを数次に分けて作成し、カタール財団に提出した。特に中庭型住居(コートハウス)の特質と砂漠気候に対するパッシブな快適性や集住形態に焦点をあてた。
This project is investigation work of the district plan in the state of QATAR.
The international team of about 10 specialists organized a planner and architect by designation of Qatar Foundation. I participate in an investigation at the site and a workshop as the team member. also made a design report in my country. The name of project is called "The Design Zone", and it is done for development of design industry. The desert area along Arabian guff in Doha suburb was chosen as a candidate site. The area of the scheduled site is about 40 hectares.
Cultural facilities, educational facilities, collective housing, commercial facilities, lodgings, guest house, atelier, mosque, hospital, wharf and parking area were set in this area.
I focused on collective housing of Islamic traditional courtyard house, investigated and made a concept.
Project data
Name of project / The Design Zone
Client / Qatar foundation
The contract form / Personal contact
Investigation place / Qatar, Doha and Japan
Research period / 2008
Contents of work / Investigation of regional planning.
Submission item / Research reports
Addition : The following file is the excerpt from original report.
This project is investigation work of the district plan in the state of QATAR.
The international team of about 10 specialists organized a planner and architect by designation of Qatar Foundation. I participate in an investigation at the site and a workshop as the team member. also made a design report in my country. The name of project is called "The Design Zone", and it is done for development of design industry. The desert area along Arabian guff in Doha suburb was chosen as a candidate site. The area of the scheduled site is about 40 hectares.
Cultural facilities, educational facilities, collective housing, commercial facilities, lodgings, guest house, atelier, mosque, hospital, wharf and parking area were set in this area.
I focused on collective housing of Islamic traditional courtyard house, investigated and made a concept.
Project data
Name of project / The Design Zone
Client / Qatar foundation
The contract form / Personal contact
Investigation place / Qatar, Doha and Japan
Research period / 2008
Contents of work / Investigation of regional planning.
Submission item / Research reports
Addition : The following file is the excerpt from original report.

The purpose of this investigation is to make a guideline of the design and construction to renovation a traditional house in a various area of Japan. This investigation was promoted as support program of the government, and two reports was made from 2013 to 2015. The first repot "RE-UP" explains the whole of work about renovation of traditional house. The second report "RE-UP2" explains about the specification and the natural materials of each part. These report described the method to superior renovation technology and create the new value context in a traditional house. I intended effective utilization of housing stock to promote it by renovation of traditional house.
Project Data
Name of project/ "RE-UP1.2". Making for the guideline of design and construction
Support program body / Ministry of Land, infrastructure, Transport and Turism
Adoption Body / Chiba-ken Kominka Saisei Kyoukai
Research period / From 2013 to 2015
Contents of work / Investigation of a traditional method and technology for renovation.
Submission item / Research reports
Addition : The following file is the excerpt from original report.
The purpose of this investigation is to make a guideline of the design and construction to renovation a traditional house in a various area of Japan. This investigation was promoted as support program of the government, and two reports was made from 2013 to 2015. The first repot "RE-UP" explains the whole of work about renovation of traditional house. The second report "RE-UP2" explains about the specification and the natural materials of each part. These report described the method to superior renovation technology and create the new value context in a traditional house. I intended effective utilization of housing stock to promote it by renovation of traditional house.
Project Data
Name of project/ "RE-UP1.2". Making for the guideline of design and construction
Support program body / Ministry of Land, infrastructure, Transport and Turism
Adoption Body / Chiba-ken Kominka Saisei Kyoukai
Research period / From 2013 to 2015
Contents of work / Investigation of a traditional method and technology for renovation.
Submission item / Research reports
Addition : The following file is the excerpt from original report.